[15:17:54] starting mail process [15:17:54] starting threaded mail process [15:17:54] converting any outbox messages to eml format [15:17:54] converting 1 outbox messages [15:17:54] processing eml files into compressed file [15:17:54] compressed file created [15:17:54] Checking for network connection [15:17:54] connecting to the internet [15:17:54] connection type is webXacc Iridium Direct Internet [15:17:54] connection protocol is wxa [15:17:54] logging on to the device [15:17:54] network connection is pending [15:17:54] logging into, port 5454 [15:17:54] connected to [15:17:54] sent at+login=DEVICE PASSWORD [15:17:56] got a response of OK [15:17:56] getting checksum, command is at+sum [15:17:56] got a response of SUM454292c551bdbd992d6981f232c74365 [15:17:56] got a response of OK [15:17:56] verifying checksum [15:17:56] starting chat (this may take a while) [15:17:56] sent ATDT=IRIDIUM -- Facturation à partir d'ici +20s [15:18:19] got a response of OK [15:18:19] connected to the device [15:18:19] connectToMailServer command issued [15:18:19] looking for the mail server [15:18:19] ipxferto is 60 [15:18:19] socketCommander logging onto server [15:18:20] socketCommander did log on to host [15:18:20] Connected to [15:18:23] Logged onto the server. [15:18:23] requesting new ini file [15:18:34] installing net.ini [15:18:34] sending compressed file(s) [15:18:34] sending messages to server [15:18:34] sending file of size 491 [15:18:37] messages were successfully sent to the server [15:18:40] Logged onto the server. [15:18:40] logging off the mail server [15:18:42] connection closed [15:18:42] hanging up now [15:18:42] starting chat (this may take a while) [15:18:42] sent ATH0 [15:18:42] got a response of OK [15:18:42] disconnected [15:18:42] Finished with mail [15:20:40] starting mail process [15:20:40] starting threaded mail process [15:20:40] converting any outbox messages to eml format [15:20:40] no messages to process [15:20:40] processing eml files into compressed file [15:20:40] Checking for network connection [15:20:40] connecting to the internet [15:20:40] connection type is webXacc Iridium Direct Internet [15:20:40] connection protocol is wxa [15:20:40] logging on to the device [15:20:40] logging into, port 5454 [15:20:40] network connection is pending [15:20:40] connected to [15:20:40] sent at+login=DEVICE PASSWORD [15:20:41] got a response of OK [15:20:41] getting checksum, command is at+sum [15:20:41] got a response of SUM454292c551bdbd992d6981f232c74365 [15:20:41] got a response of OK [15:20:41] verifying checksum [15:20:41] starting chat (this may take a while) [15:20:41] sent ATDT=IRIDIUM -- Facturation à partir d'ici + 20s [15:21:26] got a response of OK [15:21:26] connected to the device [15:21:26] connectToMailServer command issued [15:21:26] looking for the mail server [15:21:26] ipxferto is 60 [15:21:26] socketCommander logging onto server [15:21:27] socketCommander did log on to host [15:21:27] Connected to [15:21:30] Logged onto the server. [15:21:30] sending compressed file(s) [15:21:30] No outbound mail [15:21:32] server has sent 1 message(s) [15:21:32] incoming file size is 28921. [15:23:20] logging off the mail server [15:23:26] connection closed [15:23:26] hanging up now [15:23:26] starting chat (this may take a while) [15:23:26] sent ATH0 [15:23:26] got a response of OK [15:23:26] disconnected [15:23:26] Finished with mail